Wednesday, October 16, 2013

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There is an event we can only describe as the best one occasion in our life. This ceremony was held on October 3, 2013 and ends at 9 pm to 12 pm. Ceremony took place right in Canselari Square, UMP Gambang, Pahang. Able to listening and seeing our favorite ulama’, Sheikh Muhammad Nuruddin Al-Banjari Al-Makki. It is because of why this experience is so valuable to us. This ceremony is part of a ceremony held on the day of the annual program expoconvo our university. On a beautiful evening, the event was very interesting because we have never met him, moreover, listen to his speech, makes us want to repeat the greatest event. Council we mean the UMP Syalawat along Sheikh Muhammad Nuruddin.

We still remember when we arrived at Consular Square at 8pm. Most people were dressed in white shirt. At the same time, his look lovely atmosphere. We also feel amazed to see some of the non-Muslims also attend this religious ceremony. This is nice because they can learn more about Islam. At 9 pm, the speakers arrived and the ceremony begins. We saw him wearing a turban and a white robe. He has rectangular face shape, sharp lips with his thin almond eyes. Then we started getting closer to the stage.

The Council began with waves ‘Qasidah’ entitled 'Yes Badrotim' from the Darwish. Our speaker gave a talk entitled 'Apostle of Love Light from The East'. He advised us to drink the right tonnage and not vice versa. He also advised us that all things work behaviour as well as possible starting with the right hand. There are most input and information that we can learn from his speech. After our guest from indonesia give the tazkirah, Darwish group once again conducting the ‘Qasidah’ with ‘Ya Hanana’. We also follow them with righteous, obedient and charming. We very enjoyable with wave of ‘Qasidah’ conducted by them. After that, Syiekh Muhammad Nuruddin give us last speech and he advice us to follow our Massanger.

We experienced almost all senses which helped me to make this one of the most enjoyable
and memorable experiences in our life. We still remember the sounds, the sights and a wave of Qasidah which make me want to go back in time to live occasion for a second time. We hope event like this can be held again at University Malaysia Pahang.

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