Monday, October 14, 2013

GIG VANGANZA by Ash and Anaz

           There is an event that I just can describe as one of the most joyful day of my life : Gig Vaganza project.This event had been organised by the Centre for Modern Language & Human Science (CMLHS) .The G.I.G stands for get into grammar.Since 2011,it has become an annual programme for CMLHS.This event was held on the end of August 2013.It was run by 388 diploma first year students,facilitated by 7 instructors.The main objective of this event was to improve the participants' english grammar through fascinating yet enlightening grammar games provided by all the students at their booths.In addition,it also encouraged exceptional team working and leadership skills among them.No words could ever describe how much fun I had on that day.It was full of awesomeness.That's why this experience is significant for me with all the balloons,ribbon,loud music,great costume and exciting games.Conducting and playing all the games on that particular day was undescribable because I had never experience such event.

       The event was proudly officiated by the Dean of CMLHS in the opening ceremony held around 10.00 am.The Dean,in his speech expressed his gratitude to all the schools participants and teachers who were supportive of the programme and UMP students who were very diligent in ensuring the programme's success.

        I still remember all the excited faces of me and my friend that morning of the event.We kicked start the day by setting up our booth : Our Magnificant Booth.Our booth was surely something worth trying because we organised a quite unique games which was called "Round the Beautiful Malaysia".The game played where the group members had to pick out two sheet of papers inside of a bowl prepared.On the paper,we wrote the name of different states in Malaysia and which states they get,we will be asking the general information about the states.For instances,in Sarawak we will be asking,what are the most famous delicacies in Sarawak? The group has to answer the questions correctly,otherwise they will be punished.The punishment was face painting.If they answered correctly,they will be given lollipops to each of group members.

          The event was seperated into two sessions,the morning session was conducted by the civil engineering and chemical engineering students while the other courses have to play the games.Meanwhile,the second session was conducted by the mechanical,electrical and science computer students.The programme ended around 6.00 pm with an award giving ceremony where all the winners were given interesting prizes to appreciate their hard works.

         The exceptional conducting and playing the games helped me to make this one of the most enjoyable and memorable experiences in my life.I still remember the sound of the joyful laughters,the non-stop smilling from everyone and the happiness clearly pictured on their faces.It is hoped that 'G.I.G Vaganza' will be conducted for years to come as it offers ample oppurtunities for the participants to polish their English grammar in a fun way and simultaneously increases their confidence to converse in english.

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