Sunday, October 13, 2013


On 22 September 2013 had been held a grand meeting that involved between two campus of Universiti Malaysia Pahang. This is the first event for the year 2013. the purpose for the meeting are to know each other between the members. Furthermore, we were  planning for the next activities for this year. the event was held at River Front, Pekan.

Before we departed, we serviced our bike first to make sure the journey safe. Our senior taught us how to take care our bikes. They showed us the technique to service the motorcycle in a good condition. Then, we discussed about the journey who will be the leader.

After that, we gathered at the Kolej Kediaman 2 before we went to Universiti Malaysia Pahang Campus Pekan. We started ride our motorcycle and went to the place that we had set. We ride by following our leader in a group. The journey took only one hour to arrive at Campus Pekan. The journey gone smoothly. Along the journey, we had stopped at the Petronas to make sure the fuel enough. When we at the petrol station, one of our members had a failure of his bike.
When the bike had been done, we continued our journey to our destination. On the road, the leader of our journey brought us to the safe route because our journey actually at the night and the leader want to make sure all of us didn’t had an accident. When we reached, before we had the meeting, we were gathering at the restaurant to had a dinner together with the member of URC.

We had a rest at the restaurant. We were very grateful because we had arrived safely. After we had finish our dinner, we went to the main destination. The River Front is 10 km from the restaurant that we had a dinner. Actually our meeting started at the midnight, on one o’clock. The meeting was handled by the leader of club, Fuad Norazizul. In our meeting, we had planned a few activities. After finished our meeting the rider of UMP Gambang followed the rider of UMP Pekan to sent them to the their campus.

After sent them, we went to our campus. During the journey to back home, one of us had a puntured tyre. Then, we repaired the tyre at the side of road and continued our journey. From this journey we learnt that we have to be prepare a complete equipment in the next convoy.

by :
Amirul Iman MOhamad
Nazrin Shah

Syamim Amran

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