Thursday, October 17, 2013


               There is an event that we just can describe as one of the most enjoyable activities in our life, that is Aerobics Exercise which was held during Expoconvo UMP 2013. Aerobics exercise refers to exercise that requires the consumption of substantially more oxygen than at rest. Examples of aerobic exercises including walking, jogging, swimming or cycling at a steady pace. The type of aerobic exercise that we joined was dancing. The objective of dancing theme aerobic exercise is to improve people physical and mental fitness. Besides, this event was conducted to attract people attention so that they can more active in participating any activities of Expoconvo. Performing the moves that taught by the instructors was awesome because we had never done them before. 

                We still remember ourselves arriving at the main stage in front of Canselory UMP at 5 o'clock. The place was crowded with people that we have never seen before. Everyone was dressed in exercise outfit with different colours. Indeed, there was a small group of people who were dressed in white t-shirts. Before the event began, the emcee talked about the fun of doing aerobic exercise. After several minutes, the emcee announced the arrival of the instructors. Then, the instructors described what we will be doing during the entire event. At that time, the weather was nice. It was neither warm nor cold, it was just perfect for performing aerobic exercises with friends. On the street, there were some people setting up their booth where they were selling t-shirts and some snacks which smelled delicious and looked awesome at people eyes.
                 The event started sharply at 5.30pm. While the loud music was played, we started to follow the moves conducted by the instructors. Various moves were done and people started shouting in joy as some of the moves were too unique. After a while, the instructors asked for volunteers to come on stage to perform the moves together with them. Thus, there was some people shouting out their friends' name to volunteer them on stage and we also did the same. One of our friends, named Dinesh who volunteered himself to be on the stage where he performed the moves greatly. Due to the high mood of entertainment, we also joined him on stage. It was extremely fun and memorable experience. 

                Unexpectedly, the music cannot be played because of the technical problem. Consequently, we all had a break. Meanwhile, a photo session was carried out and we requested for taking pictures with the instructors. The instructors took pictures with us open-heartedly. When we ended our photo session, at the same time, the technical problem has been solved. The event was continued and getting higher and higher as the moves became more difficult to do. Then, the event was extended until 6.30pm. After that, we felt very relaxed and hungry. Therefore, we decided to buy some snacks from the food stall. The food was mouth-watering and it tasted like heaven. After finish eating, we went back to our hostel. On our way to the hostel, we saw a lot of people lining up to register their named for the attendance.

               We experienced all the wonderful scenes which helped us to make this unforgettable memory in our lifes. We still remember the moves, the music and the food which made us wish to experience once again. In spite of being exhausted, we did really enjoy ourselves. We thought that this aerobic exercise event can be organised again. This is because it is not only improving our health, but also strengthen our bond.

Below are the pictures and videos of the event, kindly have a look.

Written by :
Sim Yu Ling ( AB13104 )
Thevambbikai A/P G.K.Kasinathan (AB13125 )

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