Thursday, October 17, 2013


               There is an event that we just can describe as one of the most enjoyable activities in our life, that is Aerobics Exercise which was held during Expoconvo UMP 2013. Aerobics exercise refers to exercise that requires the consumption of substantially more oxygen than at rest. Examples of aerobic exercises including walking, jogging, swimming or cycling at a steady pace. The type of aerobic exercise that we joined was dancing. The objective of dancing theme aerobic exercise is to improve people physical and mental fitness. Besides, this event was conducted to attract people attention so that they can more active in participating any activities of Expoconvo. Performing the moves that taught by the instructors was awesome because we had never done them before. 

                We still remember ourselves arriving at the main stage in front of Canselory UMP at 5 o'clock. The place was crowded with people that we have never seen before. Everyone was dressed in exercise outfit with different colours. Indeed, there was a small group of people who were dressed in white t-shirts. Before the event began, the emcee talked about the fun of doing aerobic exercise. After several minutes, the emcee announced the arrival of the instructors. Then, the instructors described what we will be doing during the entire event. At that time, the weather was nice. It was neither warm nor cold, it was just perfect for performing aerobic exercises with friends. On the street, there were some people setting up their booth where they were selling t-shirts and some snacks which smelled delicious and looked awesome at people eyes.
                 The event started sharply at 5.30pm. While the loud music was played, we started to follow the moves conducted by the instructors. Various moves were done and people started shouting in joy as some of the moves were too unique. After a while, the instructors asked for volunteers to come on stage to perform the moves together with them. Thus, there was some people shouting out their friends' name to volunteer them on stage and we also did the same. One of our friends, named Dinesh who volunteered himself to be on the stage where he performed the moves greatly. Due to the high mood of entertainment, we also joined him on stage. It was extremely fun and memorable experience. 

                Unexpectedly, the music cannot be played because of the technical problem. Consequently, we all had a break. Meanwhile, a photo session was carried out and we requested for taking pictures with the instructors. The instructors took pictures with us open-heartedly. When we ended our photo session, at the same time, the technical problem has been solved. The event was continued and getting higher and higher as the moves became more difficult to do. Then, the event was extended until 6.30pm. After that, we felt very relaxed and hungry. Therefore, we decided to buy some snacks from the food stall. The food was mouth-watering and it tasted like heaven. After finish eating, we went back to our hostel. On our way to the hostel, we saw a lot of people lining up to register their named for the attendance.

               We experienced all the wonderful scenes which helped us to make this unforgettable memory in our lifes. We still remember the moves, the music and the food which made us wish to experience once again. In spite of being exhausted, we did really enjoy ourselves. We thought that this aerobic exercise event can be organised again. This is because it is not only improving our health, but also strengthen our bond.

Below are the pictures and videos of the event, kindly have a look.

Written by :
Sim Yu Ling ( AB13104 )
Thevambbikai A/P G.K.Kasinathan (AB13125 )

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

~Opening Ceremony of Expoconvo 2013~ ^^v

        There is an event that we just can describe as one of the best event at Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). It is a celebration for UMP graduated students. The event is "The Opening Ceremony of Expoconvo 2013". In the event, we could experience a lot of sensations that were more enjoyable because of our five senses. that is why this experience is significant for us. Wacthing and attending such event on that wonderful night with quiet clouds was awesome because we had never seen this before. Moreover, there are some performance presented by the UMP students, made us want to repeat that amazing event.

        We remembered ourselves arriving at the chancellery main stage at 8.00 p.m , the place was so crowded with students. Most students were wearing smart casual attire. As we were walking to get closer to the stage, we could listen to people talking about the performance that will be shown. Around the stage, there were some booths salling gift, cloths and foods which smelled and looked delicious.

           After few minutes, the Very Important Person (VIP) arrived who were the Pahang Minister YAB Dato' Sri Diraja Haji Adnan Bin Haji Yaakob, Vice-chancellor YH Prof. Dato' Dr. Daing Nasir Ibrahim, Vice-chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Prof. Dr. Yuserrie Zainuddin, Registrar UMP, Haji Mustafa Ibrahim and Vice-president of Expoconvo, Mr. Chua Leong Han. They were welcomed with performance from "24 Seasons Drums"

"24 Seasons Drums"welcome performance

             The event started with do'a recitation. after that, Mr Chua Leong Han gave his greeting speech then followed by officiating speech by Pahang Minister. He gaves words of encouragemant to support students based on academics and curriculum. The event continued by awarding entrepreneuship award to Muhammad Hilimi Zamri, Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering who pioneered photocopy, bus tickets and computer service bisnes.

Officiating speech by Dato' Sri Diraja Haji Adnan Bin Haji Yaakob, the Pahang Minister

Entrepreneuship Award

                The performances begun with "Shadow Martial Arts" by UMP students. They performed how they playing, fighting, and handling with shadow that played using LCD. After that, Kanchana Mawarna performed and followed by Indian Dance and Dikir Barat performed as the closer of the performance. The VIP and all the students were enjoying the shows. The theme of the performance is all about various culture at UMP which is Malays, Indians, Chinese and Japanese culture. The event ended by giving some gift to the VIP.

Giving some gift to the VIP

Dikir Barat performed as the closer of the performance

"Shadow Martial Arts"

              We experienced almost all senses which helped us to make this event, one of the most enjoyable and memorable event at UMP. We still remembered all the wonderful performance which make us wanted to go back for a second time. 

~The End~
written by :
 Nuraini Binti Mahali (AB 13007)
 Noor Fadilah Binti Hamzah (AB 13134)
 Che Nor Siti Fatikah Binti Che Zai ( AB 13166) 

1 Malaysia For Youth (1M4U) Concert

   Last Saturday night, 5th October 2013, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) had organised an event in conjunction to the 1M4U team. The 1M4U team had opened a booth during the Expoconvo of UMP. They had organised a concert a concert which started at 8.00 p.m. Some of our local artists were invited to perform their performances such as W.A.R.I.S, Asmidar and Marc Adam. The concert began with performance by the UMP students which were from the cultural club, The concert was conducted by two students as the emcees.
   1M4U is an acronym of 1 Malaysia For Youth. It is an organization which carry out a volunteering activity for all needy causes around Malaysia.

   Malay traditional dance was performed by the students as the opening of the event. They have already made a perfect preparation for the event. The next show was followed by the poetry recital by the female student who were very talented in expressing their emotions. Each words delivered by the poet really touched the student's life.

   Next, the concert was enliven by a performance named, "Tarian Burung Kerak Nasi", the traditional dance of Pahang. The dancers were known as Kencana Pawana UMP. The uniqueness of the dance had attracted the audience. After that, to make the concert more interesting, Asmidar, the winner of the reality program held by TV3 was brought on the stage to do her performances. She really captured the audience heart with her lovely voice.

   Mark Adam was one of the artist that made performance on that night. He delivered his own song which was 'Pencuri'. He also sang a cover song from Maroon 5 entitled 'Daylight'.

   Next performancewas from W.A.R.I.S who are known by a song entitled as Rembau Most Wanted. He got the most shout among the artists. He sang two songs which are Rembau Most Wanted and 'Botingkek-Tingkek'. the audience were really into the performance.

   The closing part of the event was done by all the artist that came to lighten the event. They sang the 1M4U theme song while dancing together with the audiences. The event ended around 11.00 p.m. The event was really happening.

by : nadia adazhar , fazlin zainal , atiqah salim

Dikir Barat Workshop

              There is an event that we just can describe as one of the best ones of our life in Universiti Malaysia Pahang(UMP) for this year. The Dikir Barat Workshop. In the event, we could experience the culture of Dikir Barat with a lot of sensation. Dikir Barat is one of a famous cultural art from Kelantan. Usually, the workshop most participated by student from Kelantan. The workshop organized by UMP Dikir Barat Club, Warisan Sri Pujangga.
            The workshop was an opening event and participated by student from UMP Gambang and UMP Pekan. Around 80 student joined this event. The workshop was held at UMP Pekan. So, the students from Gambang had moved to Pekan. On that day, we gathered at kk3 bus stop at 7.15 a.m. We went to UMP Pekan by bus and arrived there at 8.45 a.m. Then, we had our breakfast at the cafe that served by the organiser.
           After that, we gathered and was briefed by the club chairman, FikriGani at the open hall. He gave some introduction about Dikir Barat. He said,Dikir Barat is typically performed by groups of ten to fifteen members. In a typical Dikir Barat performance, the group will perform two segments. The leader of Dikir Barat group is called TokJuara. The creative leader of a Dikir Barat was the TukangKarut. The members of the Dikir Barat was divided by two groups, one was called “awok-awok” and the other one was percussionies.
        Then, the trainers demonstrated performances of Dikir Barat to us. After that, we had been divided into two groups which are percussionies and “awok-awok”. The trainers of “awok-awok” teached us a number of hands-on elemnets and simple claps. For the percussionies, they had been teached how to play the instruments and the musics of Dikir Barat. We enjoyed our trainings with happily althougt we tired. For the last session, the trainers asked participants from UMP Gmambang and UMP Pekanto do the performances and the winners will be selected. At last, the UMP Gambang students won the battle. After that, we had closing ceremony and went home to UMP Gambang.
        As conclusion, we enjoyed our workshop and all of the participants learned about the art of Dikir Barat. The objective of the Dikir Barat workshop was to learn the cultural art of Dikir Barat and to keep the cultural art from extinct. So, we had reached our objective and hope this workshop will be held soon. We hope our experienced will make us more appreciated to the cultural art.

 by: Dzulfadzly, Aiman and Fakhrul

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There is an event we can only describe as the best one occasion in our life. This ceremony was held on October 3, 2013 and ends at 9 pm to 12 pm. Ceremony took place right in Canselari Square, UMP Gambang, Pahang. Able to listening and seeing our favorite ulama’, Sheikh Muhammad Nuruddin Al-Banjari Al-Makki. It is because of why this experience is so valuable to us. This ceremony is part of a ceremony held on the day of the annual program expoconvo our university. On a beautiful evening, the event was very interesting because we have never met him, moreover, listen to his speech, makes us want to repeat the greatest event. Council we mean the UMP Syalawat along Sheikh Muhammad Nuruddin.

We still remember when we arrived at Consular Square at 8pm. Most people were dressed in white shirt. At the same time, his look lovely atmosphere. We also feel amazed to see some of the non-Muslims also attend this religious ceremony. This is nice because they can learn more about Islam. At 9 pm, the speakers arrived and the ceremony begins. We saw him wearing a turban and a white robe. He has rectangular face shape, sharp lips with his thin almond eyes. Then we started getting closer to the stage.

The Council began with waves ‘Qasidah’ entitled 'Yes Badrotim' from the Darwish. Our speaker gave a talk entitled 'Apostle of Love Light from The East'. He advised us to drink the right tonnage and not vice versa. He also advised us that all things work behaviour as well as possible starting with the right hand. There are most input and information that we can learn from his speech. After our guest from indonesia give the tazkirah, Darwish group once again conducting the ‘Qasidah’ with ‘Ya Hanana’. We also follow them with righteous, obedient and charming. We very enjoyable with wave of ‘Qasidah’ conducted by them. After that, Syiekh Muhammad Nuruddin give us last speech and he advice us to follow our Massanger.

We experienced almost all senses which helped me to make this one of the most enjoyable
and memorable experiences in our life. We still remember the sounds, the sights and a wave of Qasidah which make me want to go back in time to live occasion for a second time. We hope event like this can be held again at University Malaysia Pahang.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Eating Fruits with Vice Chancellor and Alumni (H-S-R ~Hasnun, Syera, Ruby)

                There is an event that I just can describe as one of the best event in my campus life. The event held in 4 October 2013 at 5:00 p.m. infront of the main stage of Dataran Canseleri. The event was organized in Expoconvo week. The program was officiated by the vice chancellor, Professor Dato' Dr Daing Nasir Ibrahim. The main purpose of this event was to acquaint the variety type of fruits to the students of Universiti Malaysia Pahang. At the same time, it also can promote our unique and tasty fruits to our own international students who pursue their study here.


At the beginning of the event, the fruits was served after de committee members of the Expoconvo had arranged the tables in the U-shape to ease the movement of the students when they took their fruits. Even it was a very hot day, all students seem to be very enthusiactic and willing to queue up althought the event has not started yet. We can see a big lorry full of fruits passed by right infront of us. After a few minutes,  the vice chancellor and other alumni members came to officiated the event and they was the first group that tasted the fruits.

During the event, various types of fruits was served such as mangosteen, papaya, banana, mango, watermelon, starfruit and others. Furthermore, there was also have a few type of fruits that have their own season like the king of the fruits, durian and honey snake skin fruits. But among all of the fruits, there was one type of the fruits that we never meet before, that was ''Tampo''. In a short time, the site of the event was crowded by the students of UMP and the guests from the outside of UMP. The best moment that happened at that time was when one of our group member feel very shocked and excited when the vice chancellor personally willing to gave her some of the fruits.

After we queue up about an hour, lastly we got our fruits. The fruits looked very tasty and juicy, thats make us very excited to taste all of the fruits that provided by the UMP. In just a few moments, we saw that many fruits had already run out. Last but not least, when the event was almost finished, many students went back to their hostel but unfortunately we saw a lot of rubbish around the site and this had spoiled the beautiful view of the university.

In a nut shell, we experienced almost all senses which help us to make this one of the most exciting experience in my campus life. Moreover, we also felt very sastified although we had to wait for a long time in sunny day just to taste the variety type of fruits. We hope this event will continue annually and we also hope that the organizer will add more type of fruits especially the unique n rare fruits all around the Malaysia.
